What is Business Analysis?
“Business Analysis is the process of searching for-, soliciting agreement, and documenting the path to move an organisation to a determined destination of increased productivity.”
This definition recognizes the key parts of business analysis:
It is a process – This means that it is a repeatable set of actions that can be applied in any organisation;
It works towards a specific destination – This means that the goals to be achieved are defined and structured clearly;
It defines the path to be taken – That means that the way to move the organisation forward is documented and agreed by the stakeholders; and
It increases productivity – This means that it must achieve a measurable benefit or value to the organisation.
Business Analysis Process
What is the benefit of Business Analysis for your company?
Benefits delivered through business analysis include:
1) Ensuring recommendations presented by technical experts conform with the needs of stakeholders
2) Ensuring that any solutions adopted actually address pertinent business problems by lowering business risks and breeding business value.